Personal Brand & Profile Development

With considerable experience in personal brand strategies and profile development, the ISC team specialise in guiding elite sporting coaches in the enhancement and sustainability of their personal identity. We have designed a series of programs to equip them with the knowledge and tools required to successfully manage their profiles, support club objectives and connect with the community in a way that will benefit short and long-term.

Personal Brand Development

ISC believe that every elite sporting coach needs to have a strong personal brand identity to act as an effective leader and brand ambassador for their club or organisation. In order to attain this, ISC have experienced facilitators and programs to assist in:

  • Identification of personal values and brand objectives
  • Professional network development
  • Community connection and engagement strategies
  • Personal brand voice and tone development
  • Positive visibility strategies and tactics

Online Profile Management

In the day and age of the digital revolution, elite sporting coaches have the unique ability to inspire, educate and connect with their community and act as ambassadors for their club and its athletes. Ensuring they build and manage their online profile correctly is paramount to ensuring they maximise the opportunities of doing so.

ISC has the expertise to work with professional athletes to build their profiles by means of:

  • Online profile development including platform(s) establishment and foundations
  • Best practice training and development programs
  • Club/team/player ambassadorship strategies
  • Integration with club/player brand profile
  • Integration with key sponsor messages
  • Individual content strategies
  • Risk mitigation, issues and crisis management

Outcomes of this program

  • Establishment of a professional, relatable and sustainable personal profile and identity which will assist coaches in building networks, connections and positive sentiment.
  • Connection with the community in a genuine, meaningful and impactful manner, building relationships and maintaining relevancy in society.
  • Providing the knowledge and tools to assist coaches in maximising their online channels and platforms.