Emotional Capital

An elite coaching advantage is to understand your true Emotional Capital.

Emotional Capital is the feelings, beliefs, perceptions and values that people hold when they engage with any business. It’s the emotional assets in your organisation that determine whether or not people will work well for you, buy from you, employ you and enter into business with you.

ISC specialises in facilitating both individual and 360 degree versions of the Roche Martin Emotional Capital Report (ECR) questionnaire. The testing is conducted on-line and will take approximately 20 minutes for the participant to complete initially, with up to 15 asociates then invited to participate in the testing.

The ECR written feedback report will provide coaches with a comprehensive interpretation of scores on 10 emotional intelligence skills linked to leadership behaviours.

Key benefits of this test are that it has the following:

  • Validity scales that measure report accuracy
  • Explanations on leadership behaviours associated with each score
  • Tailored coaching strategies for developing EQ and leadership skills

This is an objective means by which to measure progress and behaviour change on ten EQ competencies. It is considered as 360-degree assessment because feedback is solicited from up to 15 associates including you line manager or superior, peers, or direct reports (who will all have to rate each Participant).

Outcomes of the program

This 360-degree testing is designed to assist participants to understand how others perceive their leadership ability and the subsequent gap analysis will provide the opportunity to understand and discuss differences in self/other perceptions.

Detailed verbal feedback is provided in the face-to-face sessions and individual discussion is centred on the development of a set of prioritized strategies for the future which can be followed up on a regular basis. The employment of specific development strategies will expectantly lead to leadership enhancement and performance improvement in the workplace.

To read more about Emotional Capital, visit our blog here.