Vocational Assessment and Career Development

The Vocational Assessment and Career Development process provides Players with the opportunity to gain a thorough array of objective information on which to base decisions about their future career and vocational options.

A range of sound psychometric tools combined with expert and highly experienced psychologists who take the time to fully explain all of the data in the written reports will enable the Players to make sound and informed choices about educational and occupational pathways for success.

The discussion of the written Career Development report is a two-way process in which the thoughts, ideas and experiences of the Player are shared before any specific vocational suggestions are considered. In addition, the Player will also gain insight and awareness of his strengths, weaknesses, style, capabilities and preferences, all of which will contribute to his ability to make and maintain relationships, communicate with team mates and coaches and effectively perform on and off the field.

The Vocational Assessment and Career Development process:

  1. Assess Career Capabilities
    1. Career Capabilities assessment battery includes:
      1. Verbal, Numerical, and Abstract Reasoning Abilities
      2. Aptitudes – Mechanical, Visual, Spatial, Clerical, Industrial (where relevant)
  2. Identify Personal Preferences
    1. Personality Questionnaire
    2. Sports Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire
    3. Values and Motives Questionnaire
  3. Determine Occupational Interests
    1. Occupational Interests Inventory
  4. Prepare Written Career Development Report
    1. An individually tailored Career Development report will be prepared by a qualified psychologist
    2. The report will incorporate and summarise all of the data identified above.
  5. Provide 1:1 Feedback to fine tune career possibilities
    1. The individual Player will be provided 1:1 feedback (with support person where appropriate)
    2. The feedback session is a two-way shared discussion of the information contained in the report
    3. The Player will gain enhanced insight and self-awareness of strengths, weaknesses, style, capabilities and preferences.
    4. The agreed outcomes from the discussion will be incorporated in the Life-Max 360 Plan

Contact us for a customised Vocational Assessment and Career Development Program to meet your individual needs