Personal Brand & Profile Development

With considerable experience in personal brand strategies and profile development, the ISC team specialise in guiding elite players and athletes in the enhancement and sustainability of their identity in both the community and online. The programs have been designed to equip athletes with the knowledge and tools required to successfully integrate with the community and enhance their profile in a way that will benefit short and long-term.

Personal Brand Development

ISC believe that every successful athlete should have a strong personal brand identity off-the-field in support of their on-field achievements. In order to attain this, ISC have experienced facilitators and programs to assist in:

  • Identification of personal values and establishment of athlete’s brand
  • Facilitation of community partnerships which align with values and brand
  • Ongoing coaching and mentoring through brand development and building
  • Community connection and engagement strategies
  • Establishing and maintaining positive visibility in society

Through the identified programs, athletes are given the best opportunity to build and develop their personal brand and establish a presence which is identifiable, sustainable and rewarding.

Online Profile Management

In the day and age of the digital revolution, an elite athlete’s digital and social media profiles have the potential to significantly impact to their performance on and off the field in both a positive and negative manner.

In efforts to increase positive and reduce negative impact, effective profile management will assist athletes to connect with fans and stakeholders, leverage sponsorships, drive club and team interests, and most importantly establish themselves to maintain relevancy when their professional career is over.

ISC has the expertise to work with professional athletes to build their profiles by means of:

  • Online profile development, platform establishment, optimisation foundations, strategic content pillars
  • Brand voice, style and tone development
  • Profile building and enhancement through chosen online channels
  • Community and supporter engagement and connection strategies
  • Best practice training and development programs
  • Online risk mitigation, issues and crisis management
  • Effective sponsorship leverage programs and support

Outcomes from this program:

  • Establishment of a professional, relatable and sustainable personal profile and identity which will assist in setting athletes up for future endeavours
  • Connection with the community in a genuine, meaningful and impactful manner, building relationships and maintaining relevancy in society
  • Providing the knowledge and tools to assist athletes in maximising their online channels