Psychological profiling

Our programs incorporate the use of a variety of psychometric assessments that provide insight and understanding of the mind-sets that underpin behaviour.

Psychometric assessment can be used to provide an objective view of an individual’s most likely style of behaviour as well as their aptitudes, emotional intelligence and values. The information obtained from this assessment can identify individual strengths and areas for development, potential for future promotional opportunities, leadership qualities, team fit and overall alignment with organizational culture.


Genesys is a sophisticated, world-class psychometric assessment system which produces accurate, reliable results and is used by thousands of organizations internationally, and in Australia.

It is a fully-automated assessment system that enables users to complete assessments via a PC-based testing program or online using the internet. It measures personal attributes such as the following:

  • Aptitudes – Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning
  • Personality - Interpersonal Style, Thinking Style, Coping Style, Leadership Style, Team Role, Subordinate Style, and Influencing Style
  • Values and Motives - Motivating and De-motivating Factors

Our Registered Psychologists are accredited to deliver the following psychometric assessments:

  • RocheMartin – ECR, ECR – 360, ESi
  • Genesys
  • Hogans
  • Saville Wave
  • Team Management Systems (TMS)
  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • Benchmarks Leadership Development
  • Persolog (DISC) Personality Profiling
  • Personality Assessment Indicator (PAI)
  • ACER range of assessment tools

Contact us for more information on our Psychological Profiling services :