Players & Athletes

Education, training, leadership development, profile development, vocational and career guidance and psychological assessment and support programs for athletes.

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Improving coach effectiveness, coaching methodology, self awareness, profile development, motivational programs to achieve optimum performance.

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Sporting Clubs & Organisations

Strategies to empower sporting organisations to maximise on and off-field performance through the training and development of their key people.

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Our Directors

Brian Cunningham

Brian Cunningham is widely recognised as one of Australia’s most successful sporting administrators, specialising in professional development, strategic leadership, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), and executive coaching with significant experience in both the private and public sectors.

Tim Ridgway

Tim Ridgway is an international expert in organisational psychology, leadership development and professional coaching with 25 years of research and consulting. He has extensive experience in sports psychology, career and vocational guidance and psychological assessment across a wide range of sporting organisations.

Our Team

Led by Brian Cunningham and Tim Ridgway, each member of the ISC team have extensive sporting backgrounds and sports industry experience. We are highly qualified in each specialist field with expertise recognised by professional membership organisations and sporting organisations.

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